Blood Bank Pet Donor Form

If you’d like your pet to participate in our blood bank donor program, please take our brief survey to see if your pet may be a good candidate. We’ll let you know either way. Thank you for your interest!

Pet Blood Donor Requirements

We’ll examine your dog or cat to ensure they’re physically and emotionally suited to donating blood. Once your pet passes this exam, we ask that you commit to the program for a minimum of four donations over a one-year period. Pets can safely donate blood as often as every eight weeks.

For safety purposes, your pet must meet these eligibility requirements to be a blood donor:

  • Dogs must weigh more than 50 lbs.
  • Cats must be indoor-only, weigh more than 9 lbs., and have a lean body mass
  • Be between the ages of 1 and 9 years and have never received a blood transfusion
  • Be current on all vaccinations (vaccination certificates required)
  • Be free of infectious disease (this blood screening is included as part of our initial exam)
  • Not taking medications for chronic conditions
  • Consistently given heartworm, flea and tick preventative every month throughout the year
  • Be spayed or neutered